What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that takes into consideration the way you think (neuro), speak (linguistic) and act (programming). Every experience you have from birth through the present moment affects all three of these aspects as you move through life, make decisions, interact with others and take action – or not.

In some cases, negative or unhealthy experiences can be stored in your mind and body, unconsciously driving you to believe, speak or act in ways that are not effective or empowering. For example, have you ever heard yourself saying something and thought, “I sounded just like my mother!”

NLP works to reprogram your memories – not erase or block them. Instead, you will work to re-represent the memories of these sensory perceptions in your mind, to objectively see past negative or traumatic situations with a fresh perspective, allowing you to see new outcomes and possibilities.

NLP can help you:

  • Take control of negative emotions or psychological states that prevent you from making significant breakthroughs in your life.

  • Overcome deep-seated fears and phobias.

  • Replace negative patterned behaviors with positive ones.

  • Develop a deep understanding of your own needs, motivations and desires.

  • Become more aware of your impact on others, enhancing your relationships at home and at work.

  • Achieve Professional Goals.

  • Release long standing grief and anger.

  • Improve Communication Issues (personal and professional)


Jeffrey Noble speaks at the WIID International HEAL Conference on the healing magic of NLP!

Jeffrey Noble and the founder of NLP, Richard Bandler


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