Keep Yourself and Home Spiritually Clean
5 Quick Ways To Energetically Clean Your Space:
As energetic beings having a human experience, we are constantly giving and receiving energy from other people and our environment. When we are stressed, whether physically or mentally, it lowers our vibration causing us to feel emotionally weaker and unbalanced. This allows room for negative thoughts and emotions, and we become more susceptible to illness. As you follow the instructions below, be sure to set your intentions to purify the space of all negative and unwanted energies from yourself and your space and invite in love and light. We encourage you to try all of these techniques then decide on which works best for your daily practice.
Burning sage is one of the quickest ways to remove negative energy from your space. With a lit smudge stick, walk around the room and waft the smoke into the corners, and up into the ceiling using your hand, a fan, or a feather. Open all windows and doors so that the negative energy can be released. Afterward, you may burn a stick or cone of incense in the room to bring in new positive energy. Sandalwood, lavender, or sage incenses are great options to burn in your space.
Chant Om or Amen
Chant or play out loud the mantra “OM” or “Amen” in the room for 5-20 minutes. This powerful mantra disperses negative and dirty energy, transforming it into light and loving energy; which is why it is universally used as part of many meditation routines to clear the mind. For a recording you can buy a mp3 online, search for a YouTube video, or you may contact us for other recommendations.
Fresh Air and Sunlight
Open all windows and curtains to let fresh air and sunlight in. This is an easy way to clean a house or room energetically by allowing the cleansing sun and air prana to flood a room or house. An hour or two a day should be sufficient for moderate residual contamination. Rainy day? Can't open the windows? Imagine your workplace very small. Imagine your space 12 inches in front of you sitting inside of the sun and then imagine the sun melting or dissolving all the negative energy surrounding your space. Do this for about 5 minutes.
Loud Clapping
Loud, purposeful clapping with clear intentions can break up and disperse dirty energy in a room. Go into a room, form a clear intent to dispel the dirty energy, and walk through the area clapping about 10 to 30 times, depending on the size of the room. One clap per second is a good pace.
Salt Water Spray
Mix a few tablespoons of salt with a cup of water in a sprayer with a fine misting capability. Shake to dissolve the salt. Walk through a room spraying the salt and water into the air, allowing the droplets to filter down to the floor. Salt water breaks down negative stress energy. Taking baths with salts, or doing a salt scrub in the shower will dissipate the negative stress energy around your body.